Monday, April 6, 2009

Freelancing: Living Outside the Comfort Zone

Recently the question I'm asked most often is if I have been affected by the bad economy.  My answer is...not really.  It's not that I'm arrogant, independently rich, or completely oblivious to reality, it's just that my way of finding work hasn't changed.  As a freelance artist, jobs are always temporary and you have to be creative in your methods of tracking down and securing the work that is out there.
I realized that the  people who ask me this question are refugees from the comfort zone.  The nine to fivers, work for thirty years, retire with a gold watch group.  They are in unknown territory.  You need a certain mindset to be in my world.  You need the ability to adapt quickly, be self-motivated, self-monitoring.  You have to be part salesman, part politician.  You need to have the arrogance to sell yourself and the modesty to bow to your clients' wishes.  There are no guarantees except that the job will end.  I feel for those from the comfort zone, I use to be one.
But I also see an amazing thing happening; people who have lived in the comfort zone for so long have begun to think differently.  They're finding creative ways to make ends meet.  Many have been brave enough to try something new or to follow up on a displaced dream.  There are opportunities that have sat quietly in the corner, too small to pursue until now when every little bit helps.  These little moneymakers are brought out into the light and investigated.  It may be a time to tighten budgets but it is also a great time for personal growth.  It is scary out there right now, even my jobs are scarce.  But we need to use that fear to push into new areas, pursue new ideas.  Embrace the freelance mindset, you new comers, and when you return to the comfort zone, if you choose to, you will be equipped with a secret weapon.  Your new mindset.  It will give you a certain confidence that will allow you a new found freedom in whatever you choose to do.


Lisa J. Michaels said...

I have been asked that question many times as well, and I feel the same.

It's times like these that I'm glad I had the guts to persue a dream. If I'd stayed in the cooperate world, I'd be hurting right about now.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels the change in the air!

mjsuber said...

It seems that most of my friends who are freelancing are actually doing better than the ones attached to the larger companies. Yay for the little guy!